NEWS 2016


AHLEN BK Munchen - Germany

Judge: Birgit Achterholt (Germany)

XAVI Torques
(RYANA degli Scrovegni x FERRARI vom German Dream)

junior class: 2nd, excellent

owner: Andrea Neugebauer-Wolff (Germany)



XAVI Torques
(RYANA degli Scrovegni x FERRARI vom German Dream)

Xavi has pass today in IBC OC Erfstadt under judge Mrs.
Bärbel Bastian-Mork his ZTP


LITTER "W" - d.o.b.: 31.08.2016

Welt Junior Champion, Junior Champion SOCIAL B.C.I., Junge Italienisch Champion

HD: A, Sp. - 0.77, Hz ZPT - BH - IPO 1
Groß Champ.Bulgaria, Grand Champ. Moldawien, Champ. Georgia, Champ. Moldawien

HD-A, Hz-0, Sp-0, IP01



National Dog Show in Jonava (Lithuania)

Judge: Ernestas Balsiukas (Lithuania)

ZICCO Torques
(EBOLO Boxer del Euro x Champ.PL. LUISA d'Jandilla)

Champion Class: Excellent 1, CAC, Best Male, BOB

Owner: Nina Suuronen (Finland)



National Dog Show in Jonava (Lithuania)

Judge: Tatiana Grishina (Russia)

ZICCO Torques
(EBOLO Boxer del Euro x Champ.PL. LUISA d'Jandilla)

Champion Class: Excellent 1, CAC, Best Male, BOB

Owner: Nina Suuronen (Finland)



National Group Show - Boxer Club Alsdorf (Germany)

Judge: Beate Spelsberg (Germany)

XAVI Torques
(FERRARI German Dream x Multi.Ch.RYANA degli Scrovegni)

Junior class: Excellent 3 (14 males in the class)

Owner: Sascha Wolff (Germany)



Today was born brindle litter "Y" after parents:
Polish Champion, Polish Junior Winner 2012,
Polish Winner 2012 & 2014

NOISEMAKER Do Vale Do Lethes


Moldavian Grand Champion, Moldavian Champion
Panamerican Champion, Costa Rican Champion

RYANA degli Scrovegni

We have 1 male (YURI) & 1 female (YETTA).



Dog Show of BK in Dusseldorf (Germany)

Judge: Uwe Werner (Germany)

XAVI Torques
(FERRARI German Dream x Multi.Ch.RYANA degli Scrovegni)

Showed in puppy class received: 1st place, very promising

Owner: Sascha Wolff (Germany)



Today held a "meeting" of:

NOISEMAKER Do Vale Do Lethes

and RYANA degli Scrovegni


Happy New Year 2016 !!!!
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